West Cape Howe Sem Sauv Blanc 750ml West Cape Howe Sem Sauv Blanc 750ml
4 stars - "Review for West Cape Howe Sem Sauv Blanc 750ml" This West Cape Howe Sem Sauv Blanc 750ml is the best White Wines I have tried.
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West Cape Howe Sem Sauv Blanc 750ml

Product ID: 8899

View or buy the White Wines White Wines - West Cape Howe Sem Sauv Blanc 750ml from WEST CAPE HOWE to discover other options and shipping details.


Bright and clear with a light, lemony green colour. Quite pungent and fragrant, there's the typical passionfruit aromas along with some spicy lemongrass characters, just a hint of honeysuckle and whiff of cut grass. Our SSB is a fresh and light dry white. It has lovely, sweet citrus and light tropical fruit flavours of lemon rind, passionfruit and honeydew melon. It has good palate weight and together with its fresh, clean acidity its excellent drinking.

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